Booze Movies Reviews of Chaplin's Films
(too old to reply)
2009-05-31 21:29:50 UTC
I've begun working my way through the films of Charlie Chaplin that
involve some variation of his "drunk" act to review for my Website,
"Booze Movies: The 100 Proof Film Guide." Of course "working" is the
wrong term, because it's been a pleasure. Eventually, I hope to review
all of Chaplin's liquor-centric films, but here is what I've covered
thus far:

Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914)
Tango Tangles (1914)
His Favorite Pastime (1914)
The Rounders (1914)
One A.M. (1916)
City Lights (1931)

The reviews can be found at http://www.boozemovies.com/

By the way, I plan to eventually expand my review of One A.M. It was
one of my first "Booze Movies" reviews, and my critiques have gotten
more detailed over time.

2009-06-01 03:47:24 UTC
Post by b***@yahoo.com
I've begun working my way through the films of Charlie Chaplin that
involve some variation of his "drunk" act to review for my Website,
"Booze Movies: The 100 Proof Film Guide." Of course "working" is the
wrong term, because it's been a pleasure. Eventually, I hope to review
all of Chaplin's liquor-centric films, but here is what I've covered
Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914)
Tango Tangles (1914)
His Favorite Pastime (1914)
The Rounders (1914)
One A.M. (1916)
City Lights (1931)
The reviews can be found athttp://www.boozemovies.com/
By the way, I plan to eventually expand my review of One A.M. It was
one of my first "Booze Movies" reviews, and my critiques have gotten
more detailed over time.
Don't forget about The Idle Class.
2009-06-01 22:17:43 UTC
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by b***@yahoo.com
I've begun working my way through the films of Charlie Chaplin that
involve some variation of his "drunk" act to review for my Website,
"Booze Movies: The 100 Proof Film Guide." Of course "working" is the
wrong term, because it's been a pleasure. Eventually, I hope to review
all of Chaplin's liquor-centric films, but here is what I've covered
Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914)
Tango Tangles (1914)
His Favorite Pastime (1914)
The Rounders (1914)
One A.M. (1916)
City Lights (1931)
The reviews can be found athttp://www.boozemovies.com/
By the way, I plan to eventually expand my review of One A.M. It was
one of my first "Booze Movies" reviews, and my critiques have gotten
more detailed over time.
Don't forget about The Idle Class.
I will definitely cover The Idle Class. I'm a big fan of the First
Nationals. I think they are often unfairly overlooked, as they are
sandwiched between the better known Mutuals and the features. The
First Nationals represent some of Chaplin's best work. In fact, I'd
rank A Dog's Life second only to City Lights in Chaplin's filmography.

When I began Booze Movies, I started by covering some of the better
known alcohol-related films, and One A.M., City Lights, and The
Rounders immediately sprang to mind. Now I'm starting with the
Keystones, and I'm covering the remainder of Chaplin's firewater-
fueled filmography in chronological order. In addition to the titles
I've covered previously, I plan to review Mabel's Married Life, The
Face on the Barroom Floor, A Night Out, A Night in the Show, The Cure,
Payday, The Idle Class, and Limelight. If I'm skipping any alky-
centric titles let me know.

Of course, if anyone can think of any other obscure titles (silent or
sound era) that I haven't covered at http://www.boozemovies.com/, let
me know. I'm always open to suggestions. Also, if anyone knows where
I can find Leon Errol's Three Little Swigs (1933), One Too Many
(1934), or Hit and Rum (1935) on video or download, I'd much
appreciate the info.

2009-06-07 07:02:18 UTC
Ten Nights in a Barroom (1931) is a good one.

http://www.reelclassicdvd.com/sound_era.htm has it on DVD-R paired with THE

Darren Nemeth
Post by d***@aol.com
Post by b***@yahoo.com
I've begun working my way through the films of Charlie Chaplin that
involve some variation of his "drunk" act to review for my Website,
"Booze Movies: The 100 Proof Film Guide." Of course "working" is the
wrong term, because it's been a pleasure. Eventually, I hope to review
all of Chaplin's liquor-centric films, but here is what I've covered
Mabel's Strange Predicament (1914)
Tango Tangles (1914)
His Favorite Pastime (1914)
The Rounders (1914)
One A.M. (1916)
City Lights (1931)
The reviews can be found athttp://www.boozemovies.com/
By the way, I plan to eventually expand my review of One A.M. It was
one of my first "Booze Movies" reviews, and my critiques have gotten
more detailed over time.
Don't forget about The Idle Class.
I will definitely cover The Idle Class. I'm a big fan of the First
Nationals. I think they are often unfairly overlooked, as they are
sandwiched between the better known Mutuals and the features. The
First Nationals represent some of Chaplin's best work. In fact, I'd
rank A Dog's Life second only to City Lights in Chaplin's filmography.

When I began Booze Movies, I started by covering some of the better
known alcohol-related films, and One A.M., City Lights, and The
Rounders immediately sprang to mind. Now I'm starting with the
Keystones, and I'm covering the remainder of Chaplin's firewater-
fueled filmography in chronological order. In addition to the titles
I've covered previously, I plan to review Mabel's Married Life, The
Face on the Barroom Floor, A Night Out, A Night in the Show, The Cure,
Payday, The Idle Class, and Limelight. If I'm skipping any alky-
centric titles let me know.

Of course, if anyone can think of any other obscure titles (silent or
sound era) that I haven't covered at http://www.boozemovies.com/, let
me know. I'm always open to suggestions. Also, if anyone knows where
I can find Leon Errol's Three Little Swigs (1933), One Too Many
(1934), or Hit and Rum (1935) on video or download, I'd much
appreciate the info.

theodore gump
2009-06-11 22:18:50 UTC
Wasn`t Arbuckle also in 'THE ROUNDERS"
Brent Reid
2009-07-07 12:33:42 UTC
Don't forget the singing flophouse drunk in Police/Triple Trouble...
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